How old is Baby Dhiren today?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Baby Dhiren 1st Diwali

Baby Dhiren experienced his 1st Diwali celebration but unfortunately because of Hubby recovering from a viral flu, we can't have an open house this year (the chef is sick, who is going to cook? :D Not me, ppl won't want to come). So it's just us .

Lighting the Deepa

Baby Dhiren 1st Oil Bath

Contemplating whether to eat muruku or pineapple tarts


Collecting Moments said...

I like the first pic. Happy baby Dhiren. The last pic he look like super terkezut! =-o

Mom said he looks like a doll.

Bobo Bear said...

You like the deepa pic? thanks He's happy cause he knows is Bum Bum time