How old is Baby Dhiren today?

Monday, November 12, 2007

All that Jazz...& a Whole Lot More

I finally found something to wear for Chicago the Musical... Been searching Hi & Lo from Curve to OneU to the latest Pavilion...ended up in Forever 21 (Strange name for a shop, or probably I'm not 21 that is why it sound strange to me)

Needed something to cover my big shoulder, tree trunk waist and my huge backside, so I was searching for long sleeves, batwing, loose and preferably sequins to draw attention away from the problematic areas. Gone through piles & piles and finally got this....

Even though it's not a dress, which i initially wanted, but it's still better than nothing. Especially since Hubby & Baby Dhiren were chasing me to hurry up for feeding (next time should bring more than 1 bottle of milk). So ended up with this and my reliable, versatile stretchy black pant (which followed me from my pre-pregnant to 8 mths pregnant to post-pregnant...really stretchy)

The top did cover the areas that needed to be covered but 1 slight problem, it flaunted my assets too much (this I should thank to motherhood & breastfeeding :D) Hubby was not too happy about it.

About the show, Chicago the Musical.....

The experience was great, my 1st musical, and our seats were just 3 rows away from the! But for the supposedly stellar cast, London production, the costumes failed to razzle & dazzle me.. but nevertheless I enjoyed it and if it's good enough for Royalty ( Sultan Azlan Shah & wife were there 1 row behind us) it is good enough for me..

This is Chicago the Movie which I love, earned Catherine Zeta Jones an Oscar

To PQ, nice to see you there! And thank you for noticing the guest stars.....Even Momma can RAZZLE & DAZZLE!

1 comment:

Collecting Moments said...

Wat they were sitting behind u??!!!!! i guess they are really low profile..sitting behind the commoners :D

Nice top, but I was expecting something more scandalous. :))