How old is Baby Dhiren today?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Yesterday, Baby Dhiren just cried & cried & cried & cried. Refused to drink milk. The more he cried, more air went into his tummy, more painful and he continue to cry even louder.
At first I was angry then I became upset then worried and then I felt helpless and I just cried along.
He was tired and hungry and in pain at the same time. I tried everything to help him. We fell asleep exhausted. It went on and on through the day and he woke up every 2 hours at night.
But in between all his crying and screaming, he gave me a smile, my heart just melted and I cried even louder.
Baby Dhiren is back to normal today, he, 'One who is Strong' survived and for Mummy, she survived this ordeal not without the help from a chocolate bar, left-over chocolate cake, Chocolate, Rasberry Cheese cupcake from D'lish (I don't have the pic, can check out Da Wheel of Life & Happiness) and a Hot chocolate drink. YES ! it was that bad.


Collecting Moments said...

Aiyooo poor Dhiren and poor Bobo. Luckily both also very strong (and also "hungry")

What doesn't kill you only make you stronger! Maybe baby misses the grandparents and also auntie mow mow

Ann said...

Oh...I totally understand!! Guess you are like me - handle stress with sweet food!!!

Glad he is ok today. Anytime you need to chat, come look for me online (7am-4pm, Mon - Fri)

Bobo Bear said...

Thank you guys!