How old is Baby Dhiren today?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Bosom Tribute

Baby Dhiren is 6 months now! I been a Mummy for 6 months!! I been Breastfeeding for 6 months!!! I am Proud of it :D

6 months back, Hubby & I would never imagine that I can breastfeed for so long. We took it one day at a time. I still recalled the initial struggles and the very first night when we got back from the hospital, milk was not established, I cried and cried and blaming myself for starving Baby. After much determination and encouragement from Hubby I continued and ultimately the milk production slowly increased.

Now I am breastfeeding and also topping up with formula to cope with Baby's increase demand. Milk production is slowing down and I am going to let nature take it course on when to end the feeding.

Breastfeeding helped me to connect with Baby and when it ends one day, I will most definitely miss the special connection, it is a very beautiful feeling especially when Baby looks up to you and gives you the sweetest smile and lets out a big BURP!! In spite of losing more than my sleep, my figure, I will definitely do it all over again.

For all the Mummies who are struggling out there, don't give up and a piece of advice is don't feel guilty when you have to top up with formula. It is good for both you and Baby.

Hubby said

"It been 6 months since we were blessed with our little boy, lots of sleepless nights, endless dirty (my god the stains!) diapers and mind numbing midnight feeds but we managed to get through it. For this I really want to give a special shout out to my wife and to a very special part of her. For those who don't know what i refer to, I mean the source of all nourishment and life giving milk to our wonderful son Dhiren. Her bosom has grown in size ( to me rather exciting proportions), stretching and straining all efforts to contain them. The cup runneth over, resulting in giving Dhiren the healthy head start to face the future. For this & so much more, I really want to say how much I love her and her wonderful udders."

In his attempt to be funny, my hubby got this cupcakes from Cupcakes Chic to celebrate my 6 months of breastfeeding!


Ann said...

THUMBS UP to you!!!

For me, I felt really guilty when I stopped breastfeeding after 2 mths! Wanted to do it longer...but got a bit tired!

And what a cute and thoughtful husband you have!

Collecting Moments said...

Aiyo, what you want me to say? :-S I dunno what to say about breast feeding and your boobs la. So I'll comment on the cupcake. :D Very nice & creative. haha

*two thumbs up*