How old is Baby Dhiren today?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Baby, My Son

Half an hour ago, my Son posseted milk all over me, all over himself and the bed. Lately he been having this gas problem. I had a major clean up, first wiped and changed him then my bed and the floor and showered again.

He was tired, sleepy but relieved after the gas came out. Me, hungry and still smell like puke (probably abit still stuck on the hair) was patting his back to burp him. And at the very moment, my Son was patting me back. Is like his way to console me telling me that, 'Mummy everything is alright now, don't worry'.
That was the moment I knew, that no matter how many times of cleaning and running around, it's all worth it.

Today my Baby has grown up. I love you, Son.


Ann said... sweet!!!

Collecting Moments said...

Wah baby dhiren so pandai? But he still whack me with the bolster la when i read to him. :P

hmmm y so gassy? the stuff he makan ar?